All our vocational subjects prepare our students with practical and theoretical knowledge in their chosen area of study. Our students will have the opportunity to build their knowledge and skills practically helping them develop in specific job areas. It provides our students with transferable skills which they can continue to build upon in higher education and in their future employment. We currently offer the following Cambridge National and Cambridge Technical
We intend for all vocational students to be:
Knowledgeable- specifically in their chosen subject, giving students real life context, industry specific knowledge and career fundamentals.
Employable- giving students a skill set to make them attractive to employers in the future, building on personal development.
Skilled- in the specific subject areas, as well the soft skills that are developed through the core competencies.
KS4 Sport Science
KS4 & KS5 Health and Social
KS4 Enterprise and Marketing
KS4 Child Development
KS3 Computing
KS5 Digital Media
KS5 Business