Behaviour - "The Kingswood Way"
Our Principles
At Kingswood Secondary Academy we aim to create a calm, caring and safe environment in which all students feel able to thrive, make excellent progress and succeed in achieving their full potential. At Kingswood we believe that children learn by example and that teachers and parents have a shared responsibility in setting a good example as well as ensuring that the rules are followed.
At Kingswood we RISE to the top together through showing each other Respect, being Independent and displaying a sense of Service to the Community and Empathy at all times. We are inspired to achieve through excellent learning opportunities where Questioning, Engagement and Challenge enable all to thrive and RISE!
We act with integrity, doing the right thing even when nobody is looking as we build the community we wish to live in and treat each other with the Respect we would hope to receive regardless of gender, sexuality, disability or race. We are independent learners because we always come to school on time, in the correct uniform and with the right equipment. We display excellent attitudes towards our learning. We understand it is our responsibility to do so and in so doing, we prepare ourselves for our futures. We live enriching lives beyond the classroom which includes participation in clubs, leadership and charitable activities enabling us to become empathetic citizens with a sense of service to our community.
We are proud to contribute to our school and town community, proud to be Corby, proud to be Kingswoodians - so now let’s RISE together!
The aims of the Academy are:
- To create a safe, inclusive and calm environment where all staff, students, parents and visitors are able to thrive free from any harassment or bullying
- To have the highest expectations of student behaviour in order to support good learning and maximise their opportunity to achieve greatness
- To ensure all students develop excellent learning habits that they need to be successful in school and life
- To create an environment where students can grow and become mature, self-disciplined, hardworking and able to accept responsibility for their own actions.
- To ensure students can learn, develop knowledge and understanding and find a love for their subjects
- To develop strong partnerships with families to encourage exceptional behaviour and to establish improved patterns of behaviour where there are difficulties.
Kingswood Secondary Academy will ensure the school has a safe, calm and productive environment, where staff and students feel supported and their work is valued. Rich opportunities add huge value to the educational experience of every child at Kingswood and this is mirrored by the pastoral care provided. We understand how important it is for students to build character and resilience, to learn about themselves and develop their view of self, including discovering talents and becoming active members of the community. We will work tirelessly to ensure that students seek out the best possible future for themselves and achieve it.
Equally, we appreciate how important it is for students to learn and take seriously their academic studies. This must be at the heart of what we do. Creating a climate where every child, especially our most vulnerable, achieve their full potential in their academic studies, the Academy must have effective discipline, consistent practices and high expectations for all.
The Law
Teachers have power to discipline students for misbehaviour which occurs in school and, in some circumstances, outside of school. The power to discipline also applies to all Kingswood staff with responsibility for students. The Academy must ensure they have a strong behaviour policy to support staff in managing behaviour, including the use of rewards and sanctions. The Greenwood Academies Trust has a duty under section 175 of the Education Act 2002 to make arrangements to ensure that their functions are carried out with a view to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children.
This document is written in conjunction with the Greenwood Academies Trust Student Behaviour and Exclusions Policy which can be found at
Roles & Responsibilities
At Kingswood we expect exceptional behaviour and conduct. We expect students to adhere to and follow ‘The Kingswood Way’ at all times. We expect parent/carers to support the Academy in making sure their child meets Academy expectations and we expect a consistent approach to behaviour management from all members of staff. Promoting good habits of behaviour around the school is the responsibility of all staff, teaching and non-teaching. All staff should expect and enforce good behaviour around the school and should lead by example.
Students are expected to:
- Arrive to school every day on time
- Always wear their uniform correctly and with pride
- Conduct themselves around the building and school site in a safe, sensible, manner and show regard to others
- Arrive on time to lesson with full equipment
- Follow all reasonable instructions given by staff first time every time
- Behave in a positive, kind and polite manner to all staff and students
- Show respect for the opinions and beliefs of others
- Complete all class work to the best of their ability
- Meet all deadlines and hand in high quality homework
- Show respect for the working environment.
The role of all staff is to ensure the following:
- Ensure that they attend and participate in CPD into best practice in behaviour management in line with our shared values, systems and processes
- Ensure quality first teaching every day in every lesson and ensure that they are well planned and resourced so that they challenge and inspire all learners and meet their needs
- Through Unconditional Positive Regard, build positive, caring relationships with every student so that they feel valued, understood, safe and cared for
- Build and maintain positive relationships with parents and carers
- Ensure that school systems and structures are followed consistently and students feel they are treated fairly
- Ensure every child receives regular verbal praise
- Maintain a safe, organised and stimulating learning environment where students have access to resources that support their learning
- Model and teach emotional literacy to help children interact positively and deal with issues through PSHE lessons and Form Time activities.
In addition to the above, all school leaders will also:
- Ensure that all staff receive regular CPD on best practice behaviour management techniques in line with our policy
- Ensure that new staff to the Academy receive training upon induction into our shared behaviour systems, process and values
- Ensure that all students upon induction to the Academy receive a through introduction into the Kingswood Way and our shared values of positive behaviour
- Be accountable for specific year groups or groups of students across the school
- Support and empower any members of staff who are experiencing challenging behaviour, by helping to improve their practice
- Assist teachers in investigating and recording behaviour incidents in line with this policy
- Investigate behaviour incidents rigorously and ensure closure on all incidents
- Be aware of any home circumstances which may affect a child’s school life, health, safety or wellbeing
- Deal with incidents which occur outside school in an appropriate manner
- Keep behaviour records in line with this policy
- Send behaviour letters home or make phone calls and run meetings with parents alongside class teachers and/or SENDCo or other relevant professionals
Furthermore, the Principal and Senior Leadership Team will ensure the Kingswood Behaviour Standard is implemented in full. The Principal and Deputy Principal (Climate and Culture) will be involved in all serious cases that may involve exclusion. The Academy will report all incidents of bullying and racist behaviour along with exclusions to the Local Authority (LA) on a termly basis.
Parental Responsibilities
- Ensure their child is on time for school ready to learn in full correct uniform and with all of the equipment they require for their lessons
- Have regular discussions with the class teacher and other appropriate school staff about their child’s behaviour if deemed necessary by the school
- Work in partnership with the school and support the systems and structures related to behaviour management
- Attend all parents’ and information evenings and activities that support their child’s learning
- Be aware of the events taking place in school via the newsletters, texts, letters home and website.
Everyday Expectations – ‘The Kingswood Way’
The Kingswood family is built on Empathy, Respect and Kindness for others. Teachers and students work together ‘The Kingswood Way’ to get the best out of each other and support each other to be the best version of themselves.
We have high expectations and accept no excuses. We believe every student has the right to have access to a high-quality educational experience that enables them to be successful and achieve greatness. As a result, the Academy has a zero-tolerance approach to disrupting learning.
Our ‘warm but strict’ approach to behaviour management means, we do not choose between being either the warm teacher, with strong relationships with students and their families, high regard for the emotional well-being of their students and a kind demeanour, or the strict teacher who has high standards of discipline, who demands the best efforts from their students with firm boundaries and a consistent approach, but we are both at the very same time. Teachers at Kingswood care enough to challenge because we want the best for our students.
At Kingswood we work hard, and we are kind to one another. We explicitly teach our students how to be polite and respectful to one another using our RISE Value of RESPECT. We show respect to each other by:
Using each other’s name
Students always refer to teachers by using their preferred pronoun (e.g. Mrs Smith). It’s a sign of respect. It’s polite. All teachers will treat all students with the respect they deserve and be extremely polite whilst showing unconditional positive regard. Teachers should always use a student’s name and / or preferred pronoun and make them feel valued and teachers should expect the same of students.
Saying thank you
Within the Academy all members of the school community hold doors open for one another. Students let people pass in front of them, they don’t barge past and they politely let people pass. If somebody drops something, students help them pick it up, they pass books along carefully, efficiently and politely. Students queue for lunch politely and efficiently, in a single file and they have their eyes facing the front. These are all signs of mutual respect.
Saying excuse me
Students never push past or interrupt people. If they want to get past, they say “Excuse me” politely. Then they wait patiently if necessary. Similarly, if they want to talk to somebody, a teacher for example, they say, “Excuse me” followed by the adults preferred pronoun and/or name. Do you have a minute? Could you help me with something?” Students don’t take others for granted. They are polite. They are especially polite and respectful in corridors, on the stairs and when queuing. When queuing, students remain in single file, eyes front. They do what they have to do smoothly and efficiently. They are polite to students in lessons, students they don’t know, and to all members of staff. That includes office, catering and cleaning staff. There are no exceptions.
Saying please
Students and teachers show gratitude every day and in every interaction they have. We say Sir/Miss/Mrs or Name with the adult’s preferred pronoun, Thank you, Excuse me and Please naturally.
At Kingswood we smile. Students and staff are polite and welcoming. When students greet somebody they smile. When a teacher says hello in the corridor students reply with a “Hello Miss!” or “Morning Sir!” and smile. We are professional. When students go for interviews, whether that’s for college, for university, an apprenticeship or for jobs, people are immediately impressed by their good eye contact, the way they smile and the way they articulate themselves.
Further detailed information on our Learning Habits, Rewards, Sanctions pathways and Suspensions along with how we conduct searches can be found in our Behaviour Standards Policy below: