Admissions Information
The Kingswood Secondary Academy is a comprehensive school which caters for girls and boys aged from 11 to 18. We currently have 79 teaching staff with additional personal tuition in music by peripatetic teachers. Kingswood is an exciting place to learn and an exciting place to work. The Academy does not select students on grounds of ability, or on any other grounds.
We have a proud record of examination success, built on high expectations of work and behaviour. As a result of those expectations, our students are well-behaved and keen to work towards achieving their potential – in everything that they do. Our staff share a vision of education, which is encapsulated in our core values:
Equality, Community, Respect, Responsibility, High Expectations and Achievement
Applying for a Secondary School Place
In September, your Year 6 child will move from Primary to Secondary School. This transfer can seem quite complicated. However, you will be issued with instructions from Northamptonshire County Council to explain the process in detail. NCC will provide you with information about the Secondary Schools in the area, and instructions on how to express your preferences on the application form. It is very important to read all of this literature thoroughly to ensure you understand the application process clearly. Alternatively, please click here to access the North Northamptonshire Council Website.
You are advised to take advantage of attending as many Open Evenings as possible. These evenings are a good opportunity to see the schools in action and to meet the students and staff.
In Year Admissions
NNNC will co-ordinate in-year admissions and applications should be made online to their local authority Admissions website
Read our Admissions Policies below:
Frequently Asked Questions
The following questions have been asked by parents at our Open Evenings in previous years:
How do I apply?
By completing your child’s details online.
Does Kingswood have a separate application form?
No – there is no extra form to complete.
What if I only indicate one preference?
You may be at a disadvantage if you do not indicate a 2nd or 3rd preference. You may only be allocated a place after everyone else’s preferences have been considered.
Will I be offered my 1st choice?
Unfortunately, there is no guarantee you will. North Northamptonshire Council will make every effort to offer your highest preference possible by applying the Admission Criteria of the schools named as preferences.
What are Admissions Criteria?
Every school is legally bound to publish a set of Admissions Criteria to ensure that all children, regardless of background, have a fair and equal chance of taking up a place at their preferred school.
What are the Criteria for Kingswood?
By law, priority goes to children who have a Statement of Special Educational Needs or Education Health and Care Plan, who name the Academy as their preference and those in care of the Local Authority. If the number of applications then exceeds our 216 available places, the below criteria will be used to determine which children to admit.
The Criteria will be applied in the following order:
- Looked After or previously Looked After children
- Children who live in Cottingham, Middleton, Rockingham or East Carlton – the Local Authority provides free transport to the Kingswood Secondary Academy
- Children with an older sibling continuing at the Academy at the time of admission of the younger child
- Children who live closer to the Kingswood Secondary Academy than any other school
- Other children
Does Kingswood have feeder schools or catchment areas?
No, there are no feeder schools or catchment areas for the Kingswood Secondary Academy.
Is there a closing date?
Yes, this will be confirmed by NNC but is usually 31 October - the closing date for applications via North Northamptonshire Council. By this date you must have applied – failure to do so could harm your chances of obtaining a place for your child at your preferred school.
When will I know of my child’s allocated school?
You will be notified in writing at the beginning of March.