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Kingswood Secondary Academy

Ofsted Good


PSHE Curriculum Intent 

At Kingswood Secondary Academy, we feel it is our duty to prepare our students to achieve their full potential academically and to lead healthy, happy and responsible lives. Whilst we encourage our students to participate in our enrichment program from our School Council to D of E and Emergency Cadets, our robust and comprehensive form time and PSHE curriculum, ensures we equip our youngsters with the skills to understand the wider issues which may affect them in their lives. Along with the acclaimed Cre8tive Resources programme which we have bought to develop a holistic and comprehensive approach to PSHE, in Kingswood we have incorporated Votes for Schools.  


Whole-school approach 

In Kingswood, our PSHE is taught during form time by our teaching staff. All staff have received training in their CPD sessions on the new Ofsted RSE and PSHE framework.  

At Kingswood, we allocate 25 minutes to PSHE each week and a 1-hour lesson every fortnight in order to teach the PSHE knowledge and skills in a developmental and age-appropriate way, aiming to develop students’ leadership, organisation, resilience, independence and communication skills.  

These explicit lessons are reinforced and enhanced in many ways:  

  • Assemblies  

  • Praise and reward system,  

  • Via relationships, from student to student, adult to student and adult to adult across the Academy.  

  • We aim to ‘live’ what is learnt and apply it to everyday situations in the school community and our school values of RISE.  

  • Class tutors/ a dedicated PSHE Team deliver the weekly lessons. 

Withdrawal from sexual health and Sex Education Lessons

Whilst PSHE is a statutory requirement that all children have to attend, if you wish to withdraw your child from the lessons on sexual health and Sex Education, please see the withdrawal letter attached below.

We follow national guidance in this area, and you can read our trust wide policy below- 

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute
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