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Languages Subject Intent:

Our intent is comprised of the following 3 sections:

  1. Our vision for the subject/faculty and the purpose it serves for our pupils
  2. Defining what the key concepts and core domains of knowledge are, that pupils will learn about
  3. The end points our curriculum is working towards


  1. Our vision


Learning a Language promotes aspiration and ambition by changing lives and opening doors that otherwise would be closed.  It prompts students to challenge what is “normal” and provides them with the ability to embrace the fact that the world is a rich and diverse place filled with different perspectives, cultures, customs, history, arts, literature and ways of communicating.  The expectations of the Language department are ambitious for all students and the climate for learning encompasses contributions from students of all abilities and socio-economic backgrounds.  After studying a language all students will have developed the confidence and skills to consider themselves as “global citizens”.  Aspiration is firmly embedded within the curriculum and the content frequently links the usefulness of language learning within the world of work and everyday life. Finally, the development of the key skills such as self -efficacy in a foreign language also unlocks the technological, entrepreneurial and vocational strengths, which enhance the employability skills of our students through a strong focus on literacy and culture.

Core knowledge

the Languages (French and Spanish) department follows the content of the national curriculum with emphasis on the following aspects of core knowledge: Phonics, vocabulary and grammar. To enable the long term recall of the core knowledge the Languages department employs a range of strategies to ensure that all students learn in an: enjoyable, positive and inclusive environment.   In order to, enable Kingswood students to become successful and self-autonomous learners in French and Spanish we are currently reviewing our KS3 curriculum through the creation of bespoke teaching and learning materials.  In addition, further opportunities for retrieval practice, spaced learning and assessment strategies are currently being embedded to further student progress and achievement against the outcomes of the national curriculum especially at KS3. Changes are also being made to facilitate the transition to the new GCSEs from 2025.

Procedural/Powerful knowledge

Modern Foreign Languages should inspire pupils to open their horizons and their mind to different cultures. In French, pupils will study different aspects of life in French speaking and Hispanic countries as well as celebrations and festivals in those countries. Pupils will learn vocabulary, phonics and grammar that will allow them to express themselves in French and or Spanish. They will be able to give and develop their opinion about different topics. They will also question and analyse linguistic links and differences with English that will enable them to expand their literacy skills.

Developing cultural capital

Studying a Language enables pupils to develop a wealth of Cultural Capital. As well as studying the actual language, pupils will also study the culture of countries where French and or Spanish is spoken. This includes Belgium, Québec, Switzerland, many African countries, South American countries as well as French  and SpanishCaribbean and Pacific islands. Students will also study abridged versions of authentic texts from French-speaking countries, which will include literature, music, poems and films. We will also look at and discuss key moments in the history of French-speaking countries, for example the French Revolution. This will all enable pupils to broaden their cultural horizons and develop as knowledgeable, inquisitive young adults.

  1. character – enabling our students to RISE. In particular developing our Core Values of:
  1. In MFL, pupils learn about other countries and cultures, and so develop respect for all cultures across the world.
  1. In French, pupils will be required to keep up with regular vocabulary and grammar learning as part of their homework, to ensure the knowledge becomes embedded in their long-term memories. They will also complete a number of independent research projects throughout their studies into aspects of French culture and way of life, for example regarding ‘Noël’ or ‘Le 14 juillet’.  
  2. In French, pupils learn about Charity and Volunteering, and the importance of helping others and serving the community.
  1. In MFL, pupils learn about other countries and cultures, including daily life and how this might differ from in the UK. This will enable pupils to be exposed to alternative ways of thinking and ways of life, helping to develop their empathy.  

Identifying and addressing context specific need –

Our students are all unique and valued members of our community. The Languages curriculum is differentiated to allow each student to thrive and achieve. Students with specific needs are supported through a variety of methods from support in lessons to financial help for trips.  The study of a Language  is essential for enhancing the literacy skills of the students at Kingswood and raising standards in literacy across the curriculum.


Learning is sequential – T

The Languages curriculum is currently being adapted to facilitate further sequential learning to allow student’s knowledge and understanding to grow and build on prior knowledge. The curriculum is also being adapted to reflect the changes to the GCSEs from 2024.


  1. Our key concepts and core domains of knowledge


At Key Stage 3,  Learners will experience a broad a rich curriculum comprising:

Year 7: Introducing Myself; Free Time; School, Family and Friends

Year 8: Holidays, festivals, What I did, shopping, sport and healthy living

Year 9: Choc attaque (The world of work and MFL), New technology, The Francophone world and the Summer holidays.

At Key Stage 4, learners will study GCSE (Edexcel) in French and or Spanish with the topics being the same in both Languages as set out by Edexcel.

  • Module 1: Family and Friends
  • Module 2: Free Time
  • Module 3: Customs and Festivals
  • Module 4: Town and Region
  • Module 5: Holidays
  • Module 6: Schools
  • Module 7: Work and Future Plans
  • Module 8: Social and global issues and international events
  1. The end points of our curriculum


By the end of each year our learners will be able to:

KS3 Outcomes (French and Spanish) (based on the national curriculum):

KS4 Outcomes (French and Spanish) (based on national outcomes at GCSE:

Students at Kingswood who study French and or Spanish will be able to showcase the following knowledge at the highest level possible:


  • Through the EPI strategies of Dr Gianfranco Conti and the Principles of Instruction by Rosenshine students know and remember more and achieve self-efficacy, autonomy, fluency and spontaneity from KS3-KS4.  Students can increasingly initiate and respond to conversations coping with unexpected language as they progress from KS3-KS5.


  • Speak coherently and confidently with increasingly accurate pronunciation and be able to identify and explain a range of phonetic sounds.


  • Identify and use structures to enable students to talk and write in the: past, present and future tense.


  • Use an manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns as appropriate including voices and moods.


  • Develop and use a wide range of vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate interests and needs so that they can express and justify opinions on a range of issues.


  • Read and understand a variety of different texts including the: purpose of the text, the main ideas and details.


  • Increasingly transcribe words, sentences and texts with accurate spelling.


  • Express and develop ideas clearly with increased accuracy both orally and in writing.


  • Read literary texts in the target language to stimulate ideas, develop understanding of the language and culture and to generate creative ideas.


Students at Kingswood who study French and or Spanish will be able to showcase the following knowledge at the highest level possible:


  • Develop language learning skills for immediate use and to prepare them for further linguistic study potentially at KS5 and within higher education.


  • Make appropriate links to other areas of the curriculum to enable bilingual and deeper learning, where the language may become a medium for constructing and applying knowledge


  • Speak coherently and confidently with increasingly accurately with native speakers in speech and writing and conveying what they want to say.


  • Identify and use structures to enable students to talk and write in the: past, present and future tense.


  • Develop language repair and decoding strategies.


  • Develop and use a wide range of vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate interests and needs so that they can express and justify opinions on a range of issues.


  • Read and understand a variety of different texts including the: purpose of the text, the main ideas and details.


  • Increasingly transcribe words, sentences and texts with accurate spelling.


  • Develop further awareness of the customs and cultures within the countries where French and Spanish are spoken.


  • Express and develop ideas clearly with increased accuracy both orally and in writing.


  • Read literary texts in the target language to stimulate ideas, develop understanding of the language and culture and to generate creative ideas.


Specific Core Language skills per year group - French

Specific Core Language skills per year group - French

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11



  • The phonemes of the alphabet.
  • The phonemes of accented letters.
  • Core diagraphs.
  • Introduction to intonation.



  • Retrieval of Y7 phonemes.
  • Consolidation and enhancement of diagraphs.
  • In depth study of silent letters and liasions
  • Further development of fluency and intonation.




  • Retrieval of Y7/8 phonemes.
  • Consolidation and enhancement of diagraphs.
  • In depth study of silent letters and liasions
  • Further development of fluency and intonation.




  • Retrieval of Y7/8 phonemes.
  • Consolidation and enhancement of diagraphs.
  • In depth study of silent letters and liasions
  • Further development of fluency and intonation.




  • Develop pronunciation to enable clear communication.
  • Use phonic knowledge to successfully decode unfamiliar language and to improve SPAG.



To converse on the following topics:


  • Self, family and friends
  • School
  • Free-time



To converse on the following topics:


  • Holidays
  • Customs and festivals
  • After school/holiday
  • Shopping
  • Sports and a healthy life-style.



To converse on the following topics:


  • Personal information
  • Jobs and careers
  • Work experience
  • New technology
  • The French speaking world



To speak with autonomy and adapt language to inform and narrate on the following topics:


  • My Family and I
  • Free-time
  • Festivals
  • School
  • Future plans
  • The world of work.



To speak with autonomy and adapt language to inform and narrate on the following topics:


  • Holidays
  • Where I live
  • Global and social issues
  • International events




  • Asking questions
  • Adjectives (position and agreement)
  • Possessive adjectives
  • ER verbs
  • The immediate future tense
  • Nouns
  • The definite article
  • The indefinite article
  • Adverbs
  • Expressions of time
  • Connectives and intensifiers.



  • Consolidation of Y7 grammar.
  • Introduction to the perfect tense.
  • Common irregular past participles.
  • Transitive and Intransitive verbs in the perfect tense.
  • The Comparative and the superlative.
  • Consolidation of the immediate future tense.
  • Modal verbs



  • Consolidation of Y7/8 grammar.
  • Introduction to the perfect tense.
  • Common irregular past participles.
  • Transitive and Intransitive verbs in the perfect tense.
  • Introduction to the imperfect tense.
  • Consolidation of the immediate future tense.
  • Introduction to the simple future tense.



  • Use a wide variety of grammatical structures, including complex language


  • Develop fluent responses with extended, well-linked sentences


  • Use consistently accurate language and structures, consistently successful references to past, present and future events; any errors do not hinder the clarity of the communication



  • Use a wide variety of grammatical structures, including complex language


  • Develop fluent responses with extended, well-linked sentences


  • Use consistently accurate language and structures, consistently successful references to past, present and future events; any errors do not hinder the clarity of the communication




KS3 Outcomes (French and Spanish) (based on the national curriculum):

KS4 Outcomes (French and Spanish) (based on national outcomes at GCSE:

Students at Kingswood who study French and or Spanish will be able to showcase the following knowledge at the highest level possible:


  • Through the EPI strategies of Dr Gianfranco Conti and the Principles of Instruction by Rosenshine students know and remember more and achieve self-efficacy, autonomy, fluency and spontaneity from KS3-KS4.  Students can increasingly initiate and respond to conversations coping with unexpected language as they progress from KS3-KS5.


  • Speak coherently and confidently with increasingly accurate pronunciation and be able to identify and explain a range of phonetic sounds.


  • Identify and use structures to enable students to talk and write in the: past, present and future tense.


  • Use an manipulate a variety of key grammatical structures and patterns as appropriate including voices and moods.


  • Develop and use a wide range of vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate interests and needs so that they can express and justify opinions on a range of issues.


  • Read and understand a variety of different texts including the: purpose of the text, the main ideas and details.


  • Increasingly transcribe words, sentences and texts with accurate spelling.


  • Express and develop ideas clearly with increased accuracy both orally and in writing.


  • Read literary texts in the target language to stimulate ideas, develop understanding of the language and culture and to generate creative ideas.


Students at Kingswood who study French and or Spanish will be able to showcase the following knowledge at the highest level possible:


  • Develop language learning skills for immediate use and to prepare them for further linguistic study potentially at KS5 and within higher education.


  • Make appropriate links to other areas of the curriculum to enable bilingual and deeper learning, where the language may become a medium for constructing and applying knowledge


  • Speak coherently and confidently with increasingly accurately with native speakers in speech and writing and conveying what they want to say.


  • Identify and use structures to enable students to talk and write in the: past, present and future tense.


  • Develop language repair and decoding strategies.


  • Develop and use a wide range of vocabulary that goes beyond their immediate interests and needs so that they can express and justify opinions on a range of issues.


  • Read and understand a variety of different texts including the: purpose of the text, the main ideas and details.


  • Increasingly transcribe words, sentences and texts with accurate spelling.


  • Develop further awareness of the customs and cultures within the countries where French and Spanish are spoken.


  • Express and develop ideas clearly with increased accuracy both orally and in writing.


  • Read literary texts in the target language to stimulate ideas, develop understanding of the language and culture and to generate creative ideas.


Specific Core Language skills per year group - Spanish

Specific Core Language skill per year group Spanish

Year 7

Year 8

Year 9

Year 10

Year 11



  • The phonemes of the alphabet.
  • The phonemes of accented letters.
  • Core diagraphs.
  • Introduction to intonation.



  • Retrieval of Y7 phonemes.
  • Consolidation and enhancement of diagraphs.
  • Further development of fluency and intonation.




  • Retrieval of Y7/8 phonemes.
  • Consolidation and enhancement of diagraphs.
  • Further development of fluency and intonation.




  • Retrieval of Y7/8 phonemes.
  • Consolidation and enhancement of diagraphs.
  • Further development of fluency and intonation.




  • Develop pronunciation to enable clear communication.
  • Use phonic knowledge to successfully decode unfamiliar language and to improve SPAG.



To converse on the following topics:


  • Self, family and friends
  • Free-time
  • School



To converse on the following topics:


  • Town
  • Restaurants
  • Holidays
  • TV and technology



To converse on the following topics:


  • Numbers
  • Family
  • Time
  • Free-time
  • Holidays
  • Festivals



To speak with autonomy and adapt language to inform and narrate on the following topics:


  • My Family and I
  • Free-time
  • Festivals
  • School
  • Future plans
  • The world of work.



To speak with autonomy and adapt language to inform and narrate on the following topics:


  • Holidays
  • Where I live
  • Global and social issues
  • International events





  • Asking questions
  • Adjectives (position and agreement)
  • Possessive adjectives
  • ER/AR/IR verbs
  • The immediate future tense
  • Nouns
  • The definite article
  • The indefinite article
  • Adverbs
  • Expressions of time
  • Connectives and intensifiers.
  • Opinions



  • Consolidation of Y7 grammar.
  • Introduction to the preterite tense.
  • Common irregular past participles.
  • Consolidation of the immediate future tense.
  • Modal verbs



  • Consolidation of Y7/8 grammar.
  • Revision of the the preterite tense.
  • Common irregular verbs in 3 tenses.
  • Identification of the imperfect tense.
  • Consolidation of the immediate future tense.
  • Introduction to the simple future tense and the conditional tense.



  • Use a wide variety of grammatical structures, including complex language


  • Develop fluent responses with extended, well-linked sentences


  • Use consistently accurate language and structures, consistently successful references to past, present and future events; any errors do not hinder the clarity of the communication



  • Use a wide variety of grammatical structures, including complex language


  • Develop fluent responses with extended, well-linked sentences


  • Use consistently accurate language and structures, consistently successful references to past, present and future events; any errors do not hinder the clarity of the communication
  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute