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Course Information


In PSHE the students learn about celebrating differences which includes social injustice, inequality, community cohesion, multi-culturalism, race, religion, and prejudice. The students also explore family, identity, personal beliefs, and respect for the beliefs of others in the ‘Being Me in my world’ unit. They explore relationships, changes and emotions and the sources of support available.  



During PSHE sessions in years 9, 10 and 11 students build on ideas of differences and relationships. They learn about equality, stereotyping prejudice, and discrimination in year 9 and revisit this area in years 10 and 11 when studying power and control. In year 10 students explore different types of relationships, divorce and separation and review legislation support and advice. They also study human rights and societal freedom. In year 11 they build on this by learning about responsibilities, campaigns for equality and the benefits of multicultural societies. In year 11 they also explore sexual relationships, gender and sexuality, the media stereotypes, power, and control as well as reviewing a range of sources of support.  

Our British values are further explored and delivered through a variety of assemblies. 

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute