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AQA GCSE PE – Additional Revision

  1. Knowledge organisers – these can be used to create mind maps/revision posters or to assist with answer past and practice paper
  2. GCSEPod – this is a great website which contains a wide variety of videos to help supplement the topics we have been covering in GCSE PE. Here is the link:
  3. GCSE PE specific flash cards – flash cards are a great way for you test your knowledge either by yourself of with someone.
  4. Kahoot – Kahoot is a fun and engaging way to revise previous topics. Test yourself using the following link: (Note: it is important you search for the correct topic). Here is the link to an AQA GCSE PE revision Kahoot:
  5. Quizlet - Start learning today with flashcards, games and learning tools — all for free! Link to join a simple AQA GCSE PE quizlet (Note: search for other topics we have covered).
  6. Purchase a revision booklet – your class teacher will let you know when these become available.
  7. Test yourself using AQA examination papers – the mark schemes are also available to mark the past paper using this link:

Please see your class teacher is you have any further questions regarding revision or if you are struggling with any specific topics.

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute