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GCSE Maths Revision

OCR GCSE Mathematics – Additional Revision

Hegartymaths( : An online platform for all year groups to help you learn, practice and revise maths; Each topic is broken into tiny pieces with a video and a quiz to test your understanding. Topics range from simply learning your times tables all the way through to grade 9 topics at GCSE.There is something for everyone!

GCSEPod( This is a great website covering lots of topics in many subject areas. Speak to your tutor if you don’t remember your login details.

Mathswatchvle( ) : with mathswatch, you can use the videos tutorials which can explains mathematics concepts with lots of modelling to revise for your PPE and exams, and you can use interactive assessment to check your understanding.

You can also practise real exam-style questions and real exam papers with instant feedback on your progress and performance.

Speak to your subject teacher if you don’t remember your login details.

Mathsgenie website( : This is another great website you can use to revise all the topics you’ve covered in lessons

You can download past exams questions and mark scheme including working out for each question from the website using this link:

Edexcel GCSE Statistics (


This is another great website you can use to revise all the topics you’ve covered in lessons. There are lots of videos and practice exercise (with answers) to download or display on your IT devices and complete.

Oak National Academy (  this website offers lots of videos covering different subject you can use for your independent learning.

Remember we are offering afterschool revision on Mondays after school, so ensure you make all the necessary arrangement to attend and please see your class teacher if you have further questions regarding revision or if you would need help with any topics.

Please click here to download past Maths papers and other Maths resources.

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute