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Year 11 Revision Guidance

It would be crazy if students and staff spent up to two years working hard on a particular course with good work in class and at home only to achieve a much poorer result than they should because they did not, or did not know how to, revise effectively.  To this end we have put together guidance on how to revise and prepare successfully for exams.  

Students work through this in their tutor groups.  Some students will also use it in a more personalised way with a mentor during Year 11.  We would like to encourage parents to read it too so that they may be better informed and in turn be better able to support their own child. 

Doing well in examinations means that students have more choices in the next stage of their education and indeed later on in life.  In addition to this achieving good grades boosts self confidence in the ability to revise effectively and this remains with students for the rest of their life.

Please click on a subject on the right for specific guidance for the forthcoming GCSE examinations.

Study Hub is available to Year 11 pupils from Monday to Thursday from 3.00 pm — 4.00 pm each evening in the Sixth Form area.  It is available for Year 11 pupils who wish to quietly study/complete homework or revise for up and coming examinations.

Support will be provided every evening for pupils who need it.  It is important that Year 11 pupils are now spending time revising, as the exam season will commence in May, therefore not long to go now!

Staff will be recommending pupils, if they are behind with their work/coursework, to attend the Study Hub.  Please ensure the Hub is utilised as there are huge benefits.

To help support with the success fo current Year 11's our Senior Leadership Team have created a presentation with speech for parents and year 11 students to watch through. 

Countdown to Success

  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute