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Aspiration and Careers


This year continues to offer opportunities across all year groups in the Academy and students have been taking full advantage of opportunities to meet local colleges, employers and university departments and welcomed a variety of employers on to the Academy site.  Our now annual Careers Fair got off to a fantastic start with over 40 employers and over 400 students (and their parents) engaging with local companies to find the best routes to jobs they are interested in.  Careers is embedded across the curriculum, students are able to link their subjects with a future career path and through activities such as “Job of the Week” can access local and national labour market information (LMI).  This is part of a rigorous Aspiration and Careers programme designed to offer and provide a range of meaningful experiences for all students in every year, every academic year. 

Students in Years 7 to 13 are entitled to participate in two specific Aspiration and Careers related activities each year on a planned programme that offers them the opportunity to learn about: 

  • The range of career paths available 

  • Career sectors 

  • The skills (and subjects they need to study) they need to develop to enter a particular profession 

  • Knowledge of the local labour market to determine where they might find jobs and apprenticeships 

  • The different academic and vocational routes to further education including A Levels, T Levels, Apprenticeships and courses specific to a career they have an interest in (e.g., construction and engineering, social care and sports) 

  • What routes to follow post-18 including University, volunteering, degree level apprenticeships and employment 




  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute