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Course Information

Key Stage 3

In Years 7 and 8, pupils experience working in a range of subject areas and undertaking various design and make assignments. For many pupils, this will be the first time they have experienced being in practical workshops and food preparation areas.

Projects are planned to meet the needs of the new Key Stage 3 curriculum for Design and Technology, progress is assessed against the strands of D&T, these strands are: Designing - Making - Evaluating - Technical Understanding.

For more information, please visit –

Pupils follow a rotation of 5 separate projects over the 2 years, each scheme of learning is about 2 terms long.

All pupils start Year 7 with a ‘Foundation Course’, the purpose of this course is to:

  • Ensure pupils are made aware of the health and safety requirements when working within a practical subject area.
  • To give them a ‘taster’ of the various subject areas with our Curriculum
  • To have knowledge of the Design Process and understand the role of Designers in Society.
  • To practice and develop the sketching and drawing skills that are required to communicate ideas to a good standard. 

In line with the new developments to the GCSE qualification from 2017, our teaching focus is based around the skills required to become a successful Product Designer.  The study of Food and Nutrition also takes place in D&T allocated time, however it is now a separate element of the curriculum with its own strands of assessment.

Summary of courses in Yr7 and Yr 8

Food and Nutrition – Healthy Eating (The Eatwell Plate), Hygienic Food Preparation, Sensory Analysis, Staple Foods, Cultural Foods.

Product Design -CAD/CAM – Using CAD/CAM to make a Quality Product.(Polymer focus) Introduction to electric circuits and soldering , working with the laser cutter and 2DTechsoft.

Product Design- Textiles.  Textiles skills and processes to make a quality product, to include CAD/CAM, and reverse applique. Understanding the properties of materials, solving a design brief modelling and decorative techniques.

Product Design – Resistant Materials Focus (Timber) - Product analysis and ergonomics in design.  Health and Safety in the workshop, working with resistant materials, understanding the properties of material. Designing and making a wooden toy suitable for a small child, designing a letter rack based on a design movement.

Product Design – Design Systems .The role of a designer and an inventor, recent developments in technology. Understanding the purpose of sensors in products, and computer programming. Bio mimicry, plus smart and modern materials.

Year 9

In Year 9 pupils will study 2 separate projects, lasting 18 weeks, we make sure they have an input in the courses they follow.  This way, pupils can spend longer on their assignments by making more complex practical pieces.

The aim of this year is to act as a foundation course  for Key Stage 4 where most pupils may choose to take a GCSE in Design and Technology : Product Design , and , or a GCSE in Food Preparation and Nutrition.

As with all KS3, all strands of the D&T curriculum are assessed and the focus is on making Quality Products.


In Year 9, pupils need to design and make a casual drawstring bag, based on a design and ‘user’ of their own choice.

The project is designed in such a way to help the pupils decide if they want to make a practical piece using Textiles at KS4.  We would expect more confidence and competence in using the tools and equipment as well as developing their skills in using the CAD and sewing machines to create a quality product. Pupils are encouraged to experiment with a range of techniques and processes, this includes CAD / CAM work.  They will be given the opportunity to use a range of CAD programmes such as Serif Draw, 2D design, they will also have the opportunity to use sublimation printing as a decorative technique.

Food Preparation and Nutrition

Year 9 pupils follow a structured programme which builds upon the skills of previous years. This includes bread making, pastries, cake and dessert production using more complicated skills e.g. whisking. Pupils use their design and creativity to produce and develop new products which they then evaluate and suggest ways of improving. Pupils also learn to use their time effectively and their ingredients wisely.

This gives pupils a sound knowledge and understanding of Food Technology leading to GCSE exams in Y10 and 11.

Product Design - Resistant Materials

This project builds on the skills that have been acquired in Years 7 and 8.  Pupils are given a ‘context’ that they will need to explore and research, this may change each year.  Currently, pupils are investigating the context of ‘nature influencing the design of products’.

Pupils are asked to develop creative solutions that solve a design brief and meet a list of design criteria. They are expected to model parts of their ideas, and use CAD/CAM where appropriate.

They will need to plan accurately the details of their design and the manufacture. They will need to test and evaluate their product. They will independently manufacture their product to help build their confidence in using tools and processes in the workshop.

Graphic Products

In Year 9 we take pupils through all aspects the design process. They are asked to identify a target market, collect research and write a design brief for a new type of soft drink which will be designed to appeal to the teenage market. Their final product will be presented on a ‘Point of Sale’ display board. Pupils will develop their computer aided design skills using a variety of ICT software, but we mainly use Serif Draw X4 as well as Photoshop Excel and 2D Design. They will understand the benefits of using graphics software to manipulate images, and be aware of how prototype modelling can be used to develop and improve a final solution.

They will produce a range of design solutions, collecting feedback from their user groups. In addition to the main design and make project we will cover some of the more technical aspects of Graphics such as the drawing conventions of Isometric , Orthographic Projection, and appropriate printing processes.

Key Stage 4

Pupils can choose from 4 different GCSE qualifications, however due to changes in the curriculum from 2017, only a single certificate in Design and Technology can be studied.

In Year 10 and 11 we offer:

Design and Technology: 

They can also study   Hospitality and Catering, this is from WJEC see below.

Course Specification:

Current Year 10 pupils (starting September 2017) will be studying a different course entitled.

GCSE Food Preparation and Nutrition

Course Specification:

Detailed Course Information

Cambridge National Engineering Design Level 2

At KS4 with offer the Cambridge National Engineering Design Qualification. The course is split into 4 units, 3 coursework units including; R106-Product analysis and research, R107- Developing and presenting engineering designs, R108-3D Design realisation and 1 exam unit. R108-3D Design realisation

The course develops students so they are able to identify market opportunities and solve problems, which contribute to the development of new products and systems. This qualification is aimed at learners who wish to study the processes involved in designing new engineered products and the requirements of a design specification. Through research and practical activities, learners will understand how market requirements and opportunities inform client briefs. 

They will also learn how to communicate ideas using a variety of engineering conventions that include freehand sketching , formal drawing techniques , which include Computer Aided Design and Computer Aided Manufacturing.

The Cambridge Nationals in Engineering Design encourages learners to communicate and consult with a client to develop a viable and innovative product. Learners will apply practical skills to produce a prototype in the form of a model and test design ideas to inform further product development.

Through reflection, learners evaluate the prototype, making a comparable outcome against specification points, and assess possible, practical solutions and improvements to their prototype design.

This course prepares students to continue their studies at surrounding colleges at KS5 completing Level 3 qualifications or the opportunity to start apprenticeships in areas such as Engineering, Carpentry and plumbing.

Textiles Technology (4570)

In Textiles, pupils will learn a range of different techniques such as appliqué, batik and various skills using the sewing machine. When we look at the topic of Sustainability we will use recycled fabric scraps to make a patchwork object as well as reusing old denim objects to make a brand new product in the form of a bag.

‘Theory’ lessons will be delivered regularly to ensure that pupils are prepared for the terminal exam, topics will include the many aspects of manufacturing of textile products, as well as batch and hand sewn techniques.

Pupils will investigate a number of design contexts, they will develop their own brief and create a textiles product that answers a specific context set by the Examination Board. This will form the basis of their major controlled assessment task, current topics include, ‘All things British’, ‘Shabby Chic’ and ‘Modern Vintage ‘

Year 10 - Food and Nutrition (AQA)

Teaching topics will include, Food nutrition and health, Food Science, Food Safety, Food choice (the Eat well Guide) and Food Provenance. Pupils will carry out a number of practical tasks (food preparation techniques), that will include following recipes and written assignments.

The first year of the course will consist of a number of investigations and food experiments for example the role of structural components and chemicals in bread, or finding out about factors affect the flavours of products (mallards’ reactions).

Pupils will then be set a ‘context’ in which to carry out a practical and written assignment (Task 1), this will be set by the Exam board later in the school year.

Year 11 - Hospitality and Catering (WJEC)

Pupils follow a structured programme of study and practical work. In Year 10 pupils undertake the first of two controlled assessment tasks required for the qualification. The set task focuses on solving a design brief that is based on a context. Pupils will have already completed a project based on the preparation and production of an ‘Afternoon Tea’. This year, they will study and complete work towards preparing and serving a three course meal based on the context of ‘Food from different cultures’.

Pupils will research and experiment to produce a healthy, quality end product. They will trial recipes prior to the practical controlled assessments taking place, which will be in the Spring Term.

Pupils are prepared for an end of course written exam covering all aspects of food hygiene, preparation, nutrition, and cooking techniques.


  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute