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Zak Crawford Record Breaker!

On Friday 18th November 2011, Zak Crawford, a Year 11 student, began a twenty four hour sponsored event to raise money for Children in Need.



At 9.00 a.m. Zak started to shoot arrows at a target in the hope that he would beat the current world record for the number of arrows shot in a twenty four hour period. Zak ended his attempt at 9.00 a.m. on Saturday morning, having shot 3,600 arrows and scoring 23,600 points. His fantastic efforts have beaten two current world records - 'most arrows shot in a 24hr period' and 'most scored in a 24hr period for a single person' and will hopefully mean that Zak will be included in the Guiness Book of Records.

Zak raised approximately £1,500 for the charity from sponsorship by friends, family and local businesses. He would like to thank everyone for their wonderful support and said "It was a long day!" Well done Zak!

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