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Kingswood Activity Trip 2011

A group of 15 students and 2 staff went to The Peak District for a weekend of activities at the end of term 6.

The students visited The Kingswood Activity Centre and took part in a variety of activities which included abseiling, zip wire, canoeing, raft building and leap of faith to name but a few.

Despite the weather, everyone had a great, fun packed but exhausting trip.  Lots of students achieved things that they never thought they could do.  The group gelled well and had a go at everything.  The instructors commented that we were the best group there as the students were all polite, fun and up for every activity.

The trip will run again around the same time next year, listen out for more information in assemblies next year.

Click here to view the photo gallery of this trip.


  • Ofsted
  • NOS
  • NOS 2
  • Career Mark
  • DofE
  • London Institute